Paginate Comments In WordPress

Paginate Comments In WordPress From The Admin Panel Only.

If you have ever noticed that the blog posts with the high number of comments don’t have a good page loading time.

It’s because the comments take more time than the usual site loading time. How can you improve the speed of your website?

Have you ever heard about pagination? How can you paginate comments in WordPress? In this tutorial, you will get a better guide using which, you can show the pagination in your comment section.

Use Your Admin Panel To Paginate Comments In WordPress.

The speed of your website affects the search engine results. It’s always recommended to take the necessary steps to reduce the page loading time.

As you know, if you have around 100 comments then it will take so much time to show the content of your website.

It would be great if you paginate comments in WordPress.

There are a few steps to take.

Step 1:- Login to your WordPress admin panel.

Step 2:- Go to settings>>discussion.

Scroll down and you will see “other comment settings” from which you have to select the breaking of the comments into pages.

You can select the number of comments according to your choice. The default value is set to 50. You can change it.

After adding the value, just save the settings and you will see the pagination in the comments.

NOTE:- You can show pagination in the comments only if your theme supports it.

Most of the premium themes support it. But for the free themes, you never know. You can check it by adding the pagination.

If it displays then your theme has this feature otherwise, you have to edit the theme files.

I Hope That’s Easy To Paginate Comments In WordPress.

Though it’s not the common thing people do but still, you should know the usage of the options provided by WordPress.

WordPress is an amazing CMS which has many hidden options. In its dashboard, there are many options which are not used by all the bloggers.

Adding the pagination is a kind of advanced step for the bloggers who receive hundreds of comments.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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